Validated BP Monitors for Home Use
Manufacturer | Model | Type | Protocol | Validation Study | Features | Notes | Reference |
A&D | UA-1010 (Derivative of UA-1020) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | 50 reading memory | Wei-Fan Z, Yuan-Yuan K, Ming L, Yan L and Ji-Guang W. Validation of the A&D UA-1020 upper-arm blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the British Hypertension Society Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2013, 18:177-181 | |
A&D | UA-704 | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | 30 reading memory, manual inflation. 1 x AA battery | Minor protocol violation; only 2 observers used in the validation study | Kobolava ZD, Kotosvkya YV & Rodionov E. Validation of semi-automatic device UA704 for self-measurement of blood pressure. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2005, 10(4):223-225 |
A&D | UA-705 | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | 30 reading memory, manual inflation. 1 x AA battery | Minor protocol violation; only 2 observers used in the validation study | Verdecchia P, Angeli F, Gattobigio R, Angeli E Pede S & Pittavini L. Valdiation of the A&D UA-705 device for self-measurement of blood pressure according to the International Protocol of the European Society of Hypertension. Vascular Health & Risk Management 2007: 3(4):1-12 |
A&D | UA-767BT (Derivative of UA-774 & UA-767 Plus) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | Bluetooth output only available to telemedicine service providers. 4 x AA batteries mains adaptor available | Minor protocol violation: only 2 observers used in the validation study | Verdeccia P, Angeli F, Poeta F, Reboldi GP, Borgioni C, Pittavini L & Porcellati C. Validation of the A&D UA-774 (UA-767Plus) device for self-measurement of blood pressure. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2004, 9(4):225-229 |
A&D | UA-767PC (Derivative of UA-774 & UA-767 Plus) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | 126 reading memory, optional software for use with PC. 4 x AA batteries | Minor protocol violation: only 2 observers used in the validation study | Verdeccia P, Angeli F, Poeta F, Reboldi GP, Borgioni C, Pittavini L & Porcellati C. Validation of the A&D UA-774 (UA-767Plus) device for self-measurement of blood pressure. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2004, 9(4):225-229 |
A&D | BP UB-543 | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Correct position guidance indicator. 2 batteries | Fania C, Benetti E, Palatini P. Validation of the A&D BP UB-543 wrist device for home blood pressure measurement according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015, 20:237-240 | |
A&D | UA-767S (Derivative of UA-651) | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Benetti E, Fania C and Palatini P. Validation of the A&D BP UA-651 device for home blood pressure measurement according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2014, 19:50-53. Benetti E, Fania C and Palatini P. Validation of the A&D BP UA-651 device with a widerange cuff for home blood pressure measurement according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015, 20:164-167 |
A&D | UA-767S-W (Derivative of UA651) | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Benetti E, Fania C and Palatini P. Validation of the A&D BP UA-651 device for home blood pressure measurement according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2014, 19:50-53. Benetti E, Fania C and Palatini P. Validation of the A&D BP UA-651 device with a widerange cuff for home blood pressure measurement according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015, 20:164-167 |
A&D | TM-2657P (Derivative of TMTM2656) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | Wei-Fang Zeng, Ming Liu, Yuan-Yuan Kang, Yan Li, Ji-Guang Wang Validation of the fully automated A&D TM-2656 blood pressure monitor according to the British Hypertension Society Protocol Blood Press Monitoring, 2013 Aug;18(4):223-6 |
A&D | UM-201 | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 4 x AA Batteries or AC Adapter. | Latex-free cuffs. Large cuff up to 45cm | Fania C, Albertini F & Palatini P. Validation of the A&D UM-201 device for office blood pressure measurement according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol Revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2017, 22:234-237 |
A&D | UM-211 | Clinic | International Protocol | Independent | 99 reading memory. 4 x AAA Batteries or AC Adapter. | XL Cuff available but not tested in the validation study | Fania C, Albertini F & Palatini P. Validation of the A&D UM-211 device for office blood pressure measurement according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol Revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2017, 22:302-305 |
A&D | BP UB-542 | Wrist | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | AF detection in this device does not mean that it will accurately measure blood pressure in patients with AF | Saldini F. Benetti E, Fania C and Palatini P. Validation of the A&D BP UB-542 wrist device for home blood pressure measurement according to the European Soceity of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2013, 18:219-222 | |
A&D | UA-85X series comprising UA-851/2/3/4/5 | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Prices vary between models | Bonso E, Ragazzo F & Palatini P. Validation of A&D UA-85X device for blood pressure measurement. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2008, 13:339-341 | |
A&D | UA-611 (Derivative of UA-651) | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | 4 x AAA batteries | 50 reading memory | Bennetti E, Fania C and Palatini P. Validation of the A&D BP UA-651 device for home blood pressure measurement according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2014, 19:50-53 |
A&D | UA-611Plus (Derivative of UA-651Plus) | UA-611 (Derivative of UA-651) | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | 4 x 1.5 V batteries *Only battery operation | Alpert BS. Validation of the A&D UA-651 Plus/UA-651SL Plus automated sphygmomanometer according to the ISO 81060-2, 2018 and ISO 81060-2 Amendment 1, 2020, which resulted in the currently pending Amendment to Amendment 1. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2022 Apr;24(4):513-518. doi: 10.1111/jch.14464. Epub 2022 Mar 21. PMID: 35312160; PMCID: PMC8989751. |
A&D | UA-651 | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | 4 batteries, AC adapter | Also validated for use with a wide-range cuff: 22-42 cm | Benetti E, Fania C and Palatini P. Validation of the A&D BP UA-651 device for home blood pressure measurement according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2014, 19:50-53. Benetti E, Fania C and Palatini P. Validation of the A&D BP UA-651 device with a wide-range cuff for home blood pressure measurement according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015, 20:164-167 |
A&D | UA-651 Plus | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | 60 reading memory. 4 x AA batteries | Standard cu ts 22-32cm | Alpert BS. Validation of the A&D UA-651 Plus/UA-651SL Plus automated sphygmomanometer according to the ISO 81060-2, 2018 and ISO 81060-2 Amendment 1, 2020, which resulted in the currently pending Amendment to Amendment 1. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2022 Apr;24(4):513-518. doi: 10.1111/jch.14464. Epub 2022 Mar 21. PMID: 35312160; PMCID: PMC8989751. |
A&D | UA-1020-W (Derivative of UA-651Plus) | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | The cuff that comes with the product when sold is different size. (UA-651Plus:22-32cm, UA-1020-W:22-42cm) | Alpert BS. Validation of the A&D UA-651 Plus/UA-651SL Plus automated sphygmomanometer according to the ISO 81060-2, 2018 and ISO 81060-2 Amendment 1, 2020, which resulted in the currently pending Amendment to Amendment 1. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2022 Apr;24(4):513-518. doi: 10.1111/jch.14464. Epub 2022 Mar 21. PMID: 35312160; PMCID: PMC8989751. |
A&D | UA-656BLE (Derivative of UA-651Plus) | Upper Arm | Independent | Standard Cuff sze 22-42cm | Alpert BS. Validation of the A&D UA-651 Plus/UA-651SL Plus automated sphygmomanometer according to the ISO 81060-2, 2018 and ISO 81060-2 Amendment 1, 2020, which resulted in the currently pending Amendment to Amendment 1. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2022 Apr;24(4):513-518. doi: 10.1111/jch.14464. Epub 2022 Mar 21. PMID: 35312160; PMCID: PMC8989751. |
A&D | UA-767 | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | 4 AA batteries | Lower accuracy at upper pressure range. Minor protocol violation; only 2 observers used in the valdiation study | Rogoza AN, Pavlova TS & Sergeeva MV. Validation of A&D UA-767 device for the self-measurement of blood pressure. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2000, 5:227-231 |
A&D | UA-767 Plus | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | 30 reading memory. 4 x AA batteries mains adaptor available | But the same cuffs can be used with the UA651Plus and UA-1020-W. | Verdecchia P, Angeli F, Poeta F, Reboldi GP, Borgioni C, Pittavini L & Porcellati C. Validation of the A&D UA-774 (UA-767 Plus) device for self-measurement of blood pressure. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2004, 9(4):225-229 |
A&D | UA-774 | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | 2 x 30 reading memory. 4 x AA batteries, mains adaptor available | Minor protocol violation; only 2 observers used in the validation study | Verdecchia P, Angeli F, Poeta F, Reboldi GP, Borgioni C, Pittavini L & Porcellati C. Validation of the A&D UA-774 (UA-767 Plus) device for self-measurement of blood pressure. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2004, 9(4):225-229 |
A&D | UA-779 | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 7 reading memory. 4 x AA batteries | Longo D, Bertolo O, Toffanin G, Frezza P & Palatini P. Validation of the A&D UA-631 (UA-774 Life Source) device for self-measurement of blood pressure and relationship between its performance and large artery compliance. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2002, 7(4):243-248 | |
A&D | UA-782 (Derivative of UA-787) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 90 reading memory, 4 x AA batteries, E-fit cuff fits arm 17-32cm | Longo D, Toffanin G, Garelotto R, Zaetta V, Businaro L & Palatini P. Performance of the UA-787 oscillometrric blood pressure monitor according to the European Society of Hypertension protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2003, 8(2):91-95 | |
A&D | UA-787 | Upper Arm | International protocol | Independent | 60 reading memory. 4 x AA batteries | Standard cuff fits 22-43cm | Longo D, Toffanin G, Garelotto R, Zaetta V, Businaro L & Palatini P. Performance of the UA-787 oscillometrric blood pressure monitor according to the European Society of Hypertension protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2003, 8(2):91-95 |
A&D | UA-1020 | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | 4 x AA batteries or mains adaptor. 90 reading memory. | D-ring or cylindrical-shaped cuffs | Wei-Fan Z, Yuan-Yuan K, Ming L, Yan L and Ji-Guang W. Validation of the A&D UA-1020 upper-arm blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the British Hypertension Society Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2013, 18:177-181 |
A&D | UA-1030T (Derivative of UA-1020) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | 50 reading memory. D-ring and cylindrical-shaped cuff available. Voice speaks BP reading | Wei-Fang Z, Yuan-Yuan K, Ming L, Yan L and Ji-Guang W. Validation of the A&D Ua-1020 upper-arm blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the British Hypertension Society Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2013, 18:177-181 | |
Alvita / Kinetik Wellbeing | TMB-1970 (Derivative of TMB986) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Wen Jun Liu, Su Gang Li, Zhe Song and Wei Gong. Validation of the TRANSTEK blood pressure monitor TMB-986 for home blood pressure monitoring according to the International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015. 20:278- 280 | ||
Alvita / Kinetik Wellbeing | TMB - 1491-S (Derivative of TMB-1491) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Huiyong Tian, Sijian Zeng, Xiaoyan Zhong, Wei Gong and Wenjun Liu Validation of Transtek blood pressure monitor TMB-1491 for self-measurement according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010 Blood Pressure Monitoring, 2015, Vol 20 No 5, 280-282, doi: 10.1097/MBP.0000000000000125 | ||
Alvita / Kinetik Wellbeing | TMB-2083-N (Derivative Device of TMB - 1491) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Huiyong Tian, Sijian Zeng, Xiaoyan Zhong, Wei Gong and Wenjun Liu Validation of Transtek blood pressure monitor TMB-1491 for self-measurement according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010 Blood Pressure Monitoring, 2015, Vol 20 No 5, 280-282 |
Andon Health Co. Ltd | KN-550BT5 | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Shi L, Zhang XY, Sun JY, Chen JF, Ma YF, Zhou KY. Validation of the iHealth Track upper-arm blood pressure monitor KN-550BT in general population according to the AAMI/ESH/ISO Universal Standard (ISO 81060-2:2018+AMD1:2020). Blood Press Monit. 2024 Feb 1;29(1):41-44. doi: 10.1097/MBP.0000000000000678. Epub 2023 Sep 14. PMID: 37702596 | ||
Andon Health Co. Ltd | iHealth Track KN-550BT (Derivative of Andon KD-5917) | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Guo WG, Li BL, He Y, Zue YS, Wang HY, Zheng QS, Xiang DC. Validation of the Andon KD-5917 automatic upper arm blood pressure monitor for clinic use and self-measurement according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2014, 19:242-245 | ||
Andon Health Co. Ltd | iHealth Feel BP5 | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Wireless device. Bluetooth technology shares data with iOS devices | Shang F, Zhu Y, Zhu Z, Liu L and Wan Y. Validation of the iHealth BP5 wireless upper arm blood pressure monitor for sel-measurement according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010 | |
Andon Health Co. Ltd | iHealth Sense BP7 | Wrist | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Wireless wrist device. Bluetooth technology shares data with iOS devices. | Wang Q, Zhao H, Chen W, Li N and Wan Y. Validation of the iHealth BP7 wrist blood pressure monitor for self measurment according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2014, 19:54-57 | |
Andon Health Co. Ltd | iHealth View BP7S (Derivative of iHealth Sense BP7) | Wrist | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | QingW, Huadong Z, Wan C, Ni L, Yi W. Validation of the iHealth BP7 wrist blood pressure monitor for self-measurement according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2014, 19:54-57 | ||
Andon Health Co. Ltd | KD-5815, KD-5920, KD-5923, (Derivative of Andon KD-5965) | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Huang J, Li Z, Li G, Liu Z. Validation of the Andon KD-5965 upper-arm blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Press Monit. 2015 Oct;20(5):283-5. doi: 10.1097/MBP.0000000000000129. PMID: 25968093. |
Andon Health Co. Ltd | BM-091 (Derivative of KD-5915) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Qi-Fang H, JieW, Chang-Sheng S, Na-Na Z, Yan L & JL-Guang W. Validation of the Andon KD-5915 blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2010, 5:232-234 | ||
Andon Health Co. Ltd | Desa Pharma Tecnico Easy KD-558 (Derivative of Andon KD-5917) | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Guo WG, Li BL, He Y, Zue YS, Wand HY, Zheng QS and Ziang DC. Validation of the Andon KD-5917 automatic upper arm blood pressure monitor for clinic use and self-measurement according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood pressure Monitoring 2014, 19: 242-245 | ||
Andon Health Co. Ltd | iHealth BP3 | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Dock for Apple touch devices using an app of a BP monitoring system. | Chen C, Shang F, Wang J, Chen J, Ji N and Wan Y. Validation of the iHealth BP3 upper-arm blood pressure monitor for clinic use and self-measurement according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2012, 17:253-256 | |
Andon Health Co. Ltd | iHealth Neo BP5S (Derivative of iHealth BP5) | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Wireless device with integral cuff | Fujun S, Yizheng Z, Zhenlai Z, Lei L and Yi W. Validation of the iHealth BP5 wireless upper arm blood pressure monitor for self-measurement according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2013, 18:278-261 | |
Andon Health Co. Ltd | KD-5001 (Derivative of Andon KD-5915) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Qi-Fang H, JieW, Chang-Sheng S, Na-Na Z, Yan L & JL-Guang W. Validation of the Andon KD-5915 blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2010, 5:232-234 | ||
Andon Health Co. Ltd | KD-551 (Derivative of KD-5917) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Wan-Gang Guo, Bing-Ling Li, Yong He, Yu-Sheng Xue, Hai-Yan Wang, Qiang-Sun Zheng and Ding-Cheng Xiang Validation of the Andon KD-5917 automatic upper arm blood pressure monitor, for clinic use and selfmeasurement, according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010 Blood Pressure Monitoring, 2014, 19:242–245 |
Andon Health Co. Ltd | KD - 551 (Derivative of KD5965) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | jinhua Huang, Zhijie Li, Guimei Li and Zhaoying Liu Validation of the Andon KD-5965 upper-arm blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010; Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015, 20:283–285 |
Andon Health Co. Ltd | KD-557 (Derivative of Andon KD-5915) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Qi-Fang H, JieW, Chang-Sheng S, Na-Na Z, Yan L & JL-Guang W. Validation of the Andon KD-5915 blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2010, 5:232-234 | ||
Andon Health Co. Ltd | KD-558 (Derivative of Andon KD-5915) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Qi-Fang H, JieW, Chang-Sheng S, Na-Na Z, Yan L & JL-Guang W. Validation of the Andon KD-5915 blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension Internationa Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2010, 5:232-234 | ||
Andon Health Co. Ltd | KD - 5810 (Derivative of KD5917) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | BIHS | Wan-Gang Guo, Bing-Ling Li, Yong He, Yu-Sheng Xue, Hai-Yan Wang, Qiang-Sun Zheng and Ding-Cheng Xiang Validation of the Andon KD-5917 automatic upper arm blood pressure monitor, for clinic use and selfmeasurement, according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010 Blood Pressure Monitoring, 2014, 19:242–245 |
Andon Health Co. Ltd | KD-5811 (Derivative of KD5917) | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Wan-Gang Guo, Bing-Ling Li, Yong He, Yu-Sheng Xue, Hai-Yan Wang, Qiang-Sun Zheng and Ding-Cheng Xiang Validation of the Andon KD-5917 automatic upper arm blood pressure monitor, for clinic use and selfmeasurement, according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010 Blood Pressure Monitoring, 2014, 19:242–245 |
Andon Health Co. Ltd | KD-5811 (Derivative of KD5965) | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Jinhua Huang, Zhijie Li, Guimei Li and Zhaoying Liu Validation of the Andon KD-5965 upper-arm blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010; Blood Pressure Monitoring, 2015, 20:283–285 |
Andon Health Co. Ltd | KD-5815, KD-5920, KD-5923, (Derivative of Andon KD-5965) | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Huang J, Li Z, Li G, Liu Z. Validation of the Andon KD-5965 upper-arm blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Press Monit. 2015 Oct;20(5):283-5. doi: 10.1097/MBP.0000000000000129. PMID: 25968093. |
Andon Health Co. Ltd | KD-5851 | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Wu L, Jiao Y, Wang C, Chen L, Di D and Zhang H. Validation of teh Andon KD-5851 upper arm blood pressure monitor for self-measurement according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015, 20:228-231 | ||
Andon Health Co. Ltd | KD-5901/02/05/09/17/18/61/62/71 (All derivative models of Andon KD-5915) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Qi-Fang H, JieW, Chang-Sheng S, Na-Na Z, Yan L & JL-Guang W. Validation of the Andon KD-5915 blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2010, 5:232-234 | ||
Andon Health Co. Ltd | KD-5915 | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Qi-Fang H, JieW, Chang-Sheng S, Na-Na Z, Yan L & JL-Guang W. Validation of the Andon KD-5915 blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension Internationa Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2010, 5:232-234 | ||
Andon Health Co. Ltd | KD-5917 | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Guo WG, Li BL, He Y, Xue YS, Wang HY, Zheng QS, Xiang DC. Validation of the Andon KD-5917 automatic upper arm blood pressure monitor, for clinic use and self-measurement, according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2014, 19:242-245 | ||
Andon Health Co. Ltd | KD-595 (Derivative of Andon KD-5915) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Qi-Fang H, JieW, Chang-Sheng S, Na-Na Z, Yan L & JL-Guang W. Validation of the Andon KD-5915 blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2010, 5:232-234 | ||
Andon Health Co. Ltd | KD-5965 | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Huang J, Li Z, Li G and Liu Z. Validation of the Andon KD-5965 upper-arm blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the Euripan Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood pressure Monitoring 2015, 20:283-285 | ||
Aseptika | Activ8rlives BP3 (Derivative of Transtek TMB-1491) | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Tian H, Zeng S, Zhong X, Gong W and Liu W. Validation of Transtek blood pressure monitor TMB-1491 for selfmeasurement according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015, 20:280-282 |
ASPEN/Rossmax | CF55F ((Derivative of CF175) | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Zhang L, Kang YY, Zeng WF, Li Y and Wang JG. Validation of the Rossmax CF175 upper-arm blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015, 2: 104-107 |
Avita | BPM15S | Wrist | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | 2 x AAA batteries, 2 x 90 reading memory | Kang YY, Zeng WF, Zhang L, Li Y, Wang JG. Validation of the AVITA BPM15S wrist blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring accoridng to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2014, 19:183-186 | |
Avita | BPM17 | Wrist | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | 2 x AAA Batteries. 2 x 90 reading memory | Kang YY, Chen Q, Liu CY, Li Y & Wang JG. Validation of the AVITA BPM17 wrist blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol Revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2017, 22:230-233 |
Avita | BPM63S | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | 2 x 60 memory readings. 4 x AA Batteries | Kang YY, zen WF, Liu M, Li Y and Wang JG. Validation of the AVITA BPM63S upper arm blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2014, 19:46-49 | |
Beurer | BM 28 | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Validation of the blood pressure measurement device Beurer BM 28 according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010 Cornelia Deutsch, Carsten Bramlage, Beate Botta, Ralf Krüger, Klaus Forstner, Peter Bramlage, and Beate Beime Blood Pressure Monitoring 2021, 26:292–298 |
Beurer GmbH | BM44 | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | NB AF detection in this device does not mean that it has been validated for use in patients with AF | Luders S, Kruger R, Zemmrich C, Forstner K, Sturm CD and Bramlage P. Validation of the Beurer BM 44 upper arm blood pressure monitor for home measurement, according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol 2002. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2012, 17:248-252 | |
BPUMP | BF1112 | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | 90 reading memory | Chen Q, Kang YY, Li Y and Wang Ji-Guang. Validation of the BPUMP BF1112 upper-arm blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2017, 22:106-108 | |
Braun | BP VitalScan Plus 1650 | Wrist | International Protocol | Independent | 2 x AAA Alkaline Batteries | Nolly H, Osso P, Nolly A, Silva M, Nolly M & Romero M. Self-measurement of blood pressure: validation of the Braun BP VitalScan Plus 1650 monitor according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2008, 13:101-106 | |
Braun | BP 3550 | Wrist | International Protocol | Independent | 2 x AAA Alkaline Batteries | Iliman N, Altunkan S, Kayaturk N & Altunkan E. Validation of the Braun BP 3550 wrist blood pressure measuring device with a position sensor and an EasyClick cuff according to the International Protocol in Adults. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2007, 12:45-49 | |
Braun | BP6000, BP6100, BP6200 (All derivative Transtek TMB-986) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Dual user function. 4 x AAA batteries or AC adaptor | Liu WJ, Li Su Gang, Song Z, Gong W. Validation of the Transtek blood pressure monitor TMB-986 for home blood pressure monitoring according to the Internatinal Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2010, 15:278-280 | |
Braun | BUA5000 (Derivative of Microlife BP100 Plus) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Stergiou GS, Giovas PP, Neofytou MS, Adamopoulos DN. Validation of the Microlife BPA100 Plus device for self-home blood pressure measurement according to the International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring: 2006, 11:157-160 | ||
Citizen | CH 432B | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 2 x LR03 Batteries | Cotte UV, Faltenbacher VH, von Willich Werner & Bogner JR. Trial of validation of two devices for self-measurement of blood pressure according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol: the Citizen CH-432B and the Citizen CH-656C. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2008, 13:55-62 | |
Citizen | CH 656C | Wrist | International Protocol | Independent | 2 x LR03 Batteries | Cotte UV, Faltenbacher VH, von Willich Werner & Bogner JR. Trial of validation of two devices for self-measurement of blood pressure according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol: the Citizen CH-432B and the Citizen CH-656C. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2008, 13:55-62 | |
Citizen | CH-617 (Derivative of Health & Life HL-168JD) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Cheng CS, Huang QF Wang J, Zhang Y, Li Y and Wang JG. Validation of the Health & Life HL 168JD wrist blood prressure monitor hor home blood pressure monitoring according to the international Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2009, 14:125-127 | ||
Citizen | CH-618 (Derivative of Health & Life HL-168JD) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Cheng CS, Huang QF Wang J, Zhang Y, Li Y and Wang JG. Validation of the Health & Life HL 168JD wrist blood prressure monitor hor home blood pressure monitoring according to the international Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2009, 14:125-127 | ||
Duronic | BMP550 (Derivative of Transtek TMB-986) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 2 x 60 readings. 4 x AAA batteries | Liu WJ, Li SG, Song Z & Gong W. Validation of the Transtek blood pressure monitor TMB-986 for home blood pressure monitoring according to the International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2010, 15:287-280 | |
Duronic | BPM 300 (Derivative of Transtek TMB-988 | Wrist | International Protocol | Independent | 2 x AAA Alkaline Batteries | Tian HY, Liu WJ, Li SG, Song Z & Gong W. Validation of the Transtek TMB-988 wrist blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2012, 15:326-328 | |
EuroMedix | Stabil-o-graph | Upper Arm | BHS A/A, International Protocol | Independent | Infra-red interface, AFL gentle measurement, bluetooth output. 2 x AA batteries | Westhoff TH, Schmidt S, Zidek W & van der Giet M. Validation of the Stabil-O-Graph blood pressure self-measurement device. Journal of Human Hypertension 2007, Sept, Research Letter | |
Fleming Medical | Medicare LifeSense A1 Blood Pressure Monitor - MD 1814 (Derivative of TMB-1776) | Upper Arm | Independent | Zhonghua Liu and Liyi Chen Validation of Transtek TMB-1776 according to European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010 in adults Blood Pressure Monitoring 2019, 24:319-322 |
Fleming Medical | Medicare Lifesense A5 Blood Pressure Monitor - MD1806 (Derivative of TMB-1776) | Upper Arm | Independent | Liu, Zhonghua; Chen, Liyi. Validation of Transtek TMB-1776 according to European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010 in adults. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2019. 24(6):319-322 |
Grandway | G.LAB MD2200 | Wrist | BHS A/A, International Protocol 2010 | Independent | 2 x 120 reading memory | Liu ZY, Zhang QH, Ye XL, Liu DP, Cheng K, Zhang CH and Wan Y. Validation of the G.LAB MD2200 wrist blood pressure monitor according to the European Society of Hypertension, the British Hypertension Society and the International Organization for Standardization Protocols. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2017, 22:101-104 | |
Grandway | MD2680 | Upper Arm | Independent | 4 x AA Batteries. Large Cuff up to 44cm available | Guo YF, Zhang XQ, Fu JL, Zhang X, Shan HZ, Shi N &Yan LQ. Validation of the G.LAB MD2680 digitial Automatic blood pressure monitor according to international protocols. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2017, 22 221-225 |
Grandway | MD2301 | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Chen W, Zeng ZL, Bing S, Li LY, Wang R and Wan Y. Validation of the Grandway MD2301 digital automatic blood pressure monitor according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2016, 21:259-261 | ||
Grandway | MD2231 | Wrist | Independent | 2 x AAA Alkaline Batteries | Jiao Y, Guan Q, Wu L, Wang C & Cao L. Validation of the G.LAB MD2231 digital automatic wrist blood pressure monitor according to multiple protocols. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2017, 22:226-229 |
Hartmann | Tensoval Duo Control | Upper Arm | BHS A/A, International Protocol | Independent | de Greef A, Arora J, Hervey S, Liu B & Shennan A. Accuracy assessment of the Tensoval duo control according to the British and European Hypertension Societies’ standards. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2008, 13:111-116 | ||
Hartmann | Tensoval Duo Controll II | Upper Arm | BHS A/A, International Protocol | Independent | Device uses a combination of auscultatory and oscillometric technology to measure BP. 4 x AA batteries | AF detection in this device does not mean that it will accurately measure BP in AF patients. | de Greef AM, Shennan AH. Validation of the Tensoval Duo Control II blood pressure monitor for clinic use and self-measurement according to the British Hypertension Society Protocol and the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2013, 18-161-166 |
Health & Life | HL888HA | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | 4 x AA batteries | Minor protocol violation; only 2 observers used in the validation study | de Greef A, & Shennan A. The Health & Life device (HL888HA): accuracy assessment in an adult population according to the British Hypertension Society protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2007, 12:107-111 |
Health & Life | AI-H971 (Derivative of Health & Life HL888HA) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | AF detection in this device does not mean that it will accurately measure BP in AF patients. Minor protocol violation: only 2 observers used in validation study | de Greef A & Shennan A. The Health & Life device (HL999HA): accuracy assessment in an adult population according to the British Hypertension Society protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2007, 12:107-111 | |
Health & Life | BPM4 (Derivative of Health & Life HL888HA) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | Minor protocol violation: only 2 observers used in validation study | de Greef A, & Shennan A. The Health & Life device (HL888HA): accuracy assessment in an adult population according to the British Hypertension Society protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2007, 12:107-111 | |
Health & Life | BPM4TL (Derivative of Health & Life HL888HA) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | Minor protocol violation: only 2 observers used in validation study | de Greef A, & Shennan A. The Health & Life device (HL888HA): accuracy assessment in an adult population according to the British Hypertension Society protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2007, 12:107-111 | |
Health & Life | HL158MA, KA (Derivative of Health & Life HL168JD) | Wrist | International Protocol | Independent | Sheng C, Huang Q, Wang J, ZhangY, Li Y & Wang J. Validation of the Health & Life HL 168JD wrist blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2009, 14:125-127 | ||
Health & Life | HL 168JD | Wrist | International Protocol | Independent | Sheng C, Huang Q, Wang J, ZhangY, Li Y & Wang J. Validation of the Health & Life HL 168JD wrist blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2009, 14:125-127 | ||
Health & Life | HL168KB, ZA (Derivative of Health & Life HL168JD) | Wrist | International Protocol | Independent | AF detection in this device does not mean that it will accurately measure BP in AF patients. | Sheng C, Huang Q, Wang J, ZhangY, Li Y & Wang J. Validation of the Health & Life HL 168JD wrist blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2009, 14:125-127 | |
Health & Life | HL858BA, BC, HA, GA (Derivatives of Health & Life HL888HA) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | AF detection in this device does not mean that it will accurately measure BP in AF patients. Minor protocol violation: only 2 observers used in validation study | de Greef A, & Shennan A. The Health & Life device (HL888HA): accuracy assessment in an adult population according to the British Hypertension Society protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2007, 12:107-111 | |
Health & Life | HL858EF,DF,CF (Derivative of Health & Life HL888HA) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | AF detection in this device does not mean that it will accurately measure BP in AF patients. Minor protocol violation: only 2 observers used in validation study | de Greef A, & Shennan A. The Health & Life device (HL888HA): accuracy assessment in an adult population according to the British Hypertension Society protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2007, 12:107-111 | |
Health & Life | HL858DK (Derivative of HL888HA) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | de Greef A and Shennan A. The Health & Life device (HL888HA): Accuracy assessment in an adult population according to the British Hypertension Society Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2007, 12@107-111 | ||
Health & Life | HL868BA | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Chen HE, Cui Y, Sheng CS, Li LH, Li Y & Wang JG. Validation of the Health & Life HL 866BA blood pressure monitor for home blood pressue monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension Internationa protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2008, 113:305-308 | ||
Health & Life | HL868ED | Upper Arm | Independent | Validation of the HL868ED upper-arm blood pressure monitor for clinical use and self-measurement according to the British Hypertension Society Protocol. Wei Zhang, Lei L, Yan Li and Ji-Guang Wang. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2019, 24:203–207 |
Health & Life | HL868 NF, ZA, ZB (Derivatives of Health & Life HL 888HA) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | AF detection in this device does not mean that it will accurately measure BP in AF patients. Minor protocol violation: only 2 observers used in validation study | de Greef A, & Shennan A. The Health & Life device (HL888HA): accuracy assessment in an adult population according to the British Hypertension Society protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2007, 12:107-111 | |
Health & Life | HL 888HC (Derivative of Health & Life HL 888HA) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | Minor protocol violation: only 2 observers used in validation study | de Greef A, & Shennan A. The Health & Life device (HL888HA): accuracy assessment in an adult population according to the British Hypertension Society protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2007, 12:107-111 | |
Health & Life | WGNBPA-730,740,750 (Derivative of Health & Life HL888HA) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | AF detection in this device does not mean that it will accurately measure BP in AF patients. Minor protocol violation: only 2 observers used in validation study | de Greef A, & Shennan A. The Health & Life device (HL888HA): accuracy assessment in an adult population according to the British Hypertension Society protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2007, 12:107-111 | |
Health & Life | WGNBPW-710,720 (Derivative of Health & Life HL168JD) | Wrist | International Protocol | Independent | Sheng C, Huang Q, Wang J, ZhangY, Li Y & Wang J. Validation of the Health & Life HL 168JD wrist blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2009, 14:125-127 | ||
Health Assure | HL158JA, 158JT, 158SA, 158SK, 158ST (All derivatives of Health & Life HL168JD) | Wrist | International Protocol | Independent | Chang-Sheng S, Qi-Fang H, Jie W, Yi Z, Yan L and Ji-Guang W. Validation of the Health & Life HL169JD wrist blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the International Protocol. Blood Pressure monitoring 2009, 14:125-127 | ||
Health Assure | HL 858JA, 858JT, 858SA, 858SK, 858ST, 959JA (All derivatives of Health & Life HL888HA) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | de Greef AM and Shennan AH. The Health & Life device (HL888HA): Accuracy assessment in an adult population according to the British Hypertension Society Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2007, 12:107-111 | ||
HoMedics | BPW 1000 (Derivative of Transtek TMB-988) | Wrist | International Protocol | Independent | Tian HY, Liu WJ, Li SG, Song Z & Gong W. Validation of the Transtek blood pressure monitor TMB-988 for home blood pressure monitoring according to the International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2010, 15:326-328. | ||
HoMedics | BPA 2000 (Derivative of Transtek TMB 986) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 4 x AA batteries, AC Adapter | Liu WJ, Li SG, Song Z & Gong W. Validation of the Transtek blood pressure moniotor TMB-986 for home blood pressure monitoring according to the International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2010, 15:279-280. | |
HoMedics | 360-EU (Derivative of Oregon Scientific BPU 330) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 6 x 30 reading memory | Li L, Zhang X, Yan C & Liang Q. Validation of the Oregon Scientific BPU 330 for self-monitoring of blood pressure according to the International Protocol. Vascular Health and Risk Management 2008, 4(5):1121–1125 | |
HoMedics | BPA-3000 (Derivative of Transtek TMB-986) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 4 x AAA batteries, AC adapter | Liu WJ, Li SG, Song Z & Gong W. Validation of the Transtek blood pressure moniotor TMB-986 for home blood pressure monitoring according to the International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2010, 15:279-280. | |
HoMedics | Salter BPA-8200-EU (Derivative of Andon KD-5915) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 2 x 60 memory reading | Huang QF, Wang J, Sheng CS, Zhang NN, Li Y and Wang JG. Validation of the Andon KD-5915 blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2010, 15:232-234 | |
HoMedics | Salter BPA-9200-GB (Derivative of Andon KD-5915) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 2 x 60 memory reading | Huang QF, Wang J, Sheng CS, Zhang NN, Li Y and Wang JG. Validation of the Andon KD-5915 blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2010, 15:232-234 | |
Honsun | LD30 (Derivative of LD578) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Zhang Y, Wang J, Huang Q, Sheng C, Li Y & Wang J. Validation of the Honsun LD-578 blood pressure montitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2009, 14:128 |
Honsun | LD-520, 522, 526, 528, 530, 532, 533, 568, 582, 586N, 587 (Derivative of Honsun LD-578) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 4 x AA batteries | Zhang Y, Wang J, Huang Q, Sheng C, Li Y & Wang J. Validation of the Honsun LD-578 blood pressure montitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2009, 14:128 | |
Honsun/Medisana | LD-528 (Derivative of Honsun LD-578) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Zhang Y, Wang J, Huang Q, Sheng C, Li Y & Wang J. Validation of the Honsun LD-578 blood pressure montitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2009, 14:128 | ||
Honsun / Suresign | LD 578 | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 30 reading memory | Zhang Y, Wang J, Huang Q, Sheng C, Li Y & Wang J. Validation of the Honsun LD-578 blood pressure montitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2009, 14:128 | |
Honsun / Suresign | LD 3 (Derivative of LD 578) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 90 reading memory. 4 x AA batteries | Zhang Y, Wang J, Huang Q, Sheng C, Li Y & Wang J. Validation of the Honsun LD-578 blood pressure montitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2009, 14:128-131 | |
Honsun / Suresign | LD30 (Derivative of LD 578) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 30 reading memory | Zhang Y, Wang J, Huang Q, Sheng C, Li Y & Wang J. Validation of the Honsun LD-578 blood pressure montitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2009, 14:128 | |
Honsun / Suresign | LD-588 (Derivative of LD-578) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Zhang Y, Wang J, Huang Q, Sheng C, Li Y & Wang J. Validation of the Honsun LD-578 blood pressure montitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2009, 14:128-131 | ||
Honsun/MediPro | MP-BP-BPM (Derivative of LD533) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Yi Zhang, Jie Wang, Qi-Fang Huang, Chang-Sheng Sheng, Yan Li And Ji-Guang Wang Validation of the Honsun LD-533 Blood Pressure Monitor For Home Blood Pressure Monitoring According to the European Society Of Hypertension International Protocol Blood Pressure Monitoring June 2009-volume 14-issue 3-pp 128-131 |
InBody | BP 170 | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Kollias A, Anagnostopoulos I, Gravvani A, Stambolliu E, Bountzona I, Ariadni Menti A and Stergiou G. Validation of the InBody BP170 oscillometric home blood pressure monitor in general population according to the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation/European Society of Hypertension/ International Organization for Standardization Universal Standard. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2020, 25:50–52 |
Kessler | KS551 (Derivative of Rossmax ME701) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A, International Protocol | Independent | deGreef A & Shennan AH. The Rossmax (ME701 series) upper arm device: accuracy assessment in an adult population according to the International and the British Hypertension Society protocols. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2008, 13:43-48 | ||
Kinetik Wellbeing | TMB-1970 (Derivative of TMB-986) | Upper Arm | Independent | 90 reading memory, 4 x AAA battery included | 22-42cm cuff included, automatic inflation, one button operation | Wen Jun Liu, Su Gang Li, Zhe Song and Wei Gong. Validation of the TRANSTEK blood pressure monitor TMB-986 for home blood pressure monitoring according to the International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015. 20:278-280 |
Kinetik Wellbeing | TMB-2080 (Derivative of TMB-1491) | Upper Arm | Independent | 2 x 90 reading memory (plus guest mode) 4 x AAA battery included | 22-42cm cuff included, Irregular heartbeat detectio, Automatic inflation, One button operation | Huiyong Tian, Sijian Zeng, Xiaoyan Zhong, Wei Gong and Wenjun Liu. Validation of Transtek blood pressure monitor TMB-1491 for self-measurement according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015. 20:280-282 |
Kinetik Wellbeing | WBP1 (Derivative of Transtek TMB-1491) | Upper Arm | Independent | 90 Reading Memory, 4 x AAA battery included | 22-42cm cuff included, Irregular heartbeat detectio, Automatic inflation, One button operation | Tian H, Zeng S, Zhong X, Gong W and Liu W. Validation of Transtek blood pressure monitor TMB-1491 for selfmeasurement according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015, 20:280-282 |
Kinetik Wellbeing | TMB - 2088 (Derivative of TMB - 986) | Upper Arm | Independent | 2 x 250 reading memory (plus guest mode), 4 x AA battery included | 22-42cm cuff included, movement detection indicator, cuff wrap detection, BP trend display, Buetooth sync results, irregular heartbeat detection, averages readings, WHO indicator, automatic inflation, one button operation | Wen Jun Liu, Su Gang Li, Zhe Song and Wei Gong. Validation of the TRANSTEK blood pressure monitor TMB-986 for home blood pressure monitoring according to the International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015, 20:278-280 |
Kinetik Wellbeing | WPB3 (Derivative of TMB988) | Wrist | Independent | 2 x 60 reading memory, 2 x AAA battery included | 13.5-21.5cm cuff, irregular heartbeat detection, averages readings automatic inflation, one button operation, positioning sensor and WHO indicator | Hui Yong Tian, Wen Jun Liu, Su Gang Li, Zhe Song and Wei Gong Validation of the TRANSTEK TMB-988 wrist blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the International Protocol Blood Pressure Monitoring, 2010, 15: 326-328 |
Kingyield | BP101H | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Zeng WF, Huang QF, Sheng CS, Li Y & Wang JG. Validation of the Kingyield BP101H blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2010, 15:329-331 | ||
Little Doctor Electronic (Nantong) | LD12 (Derivative of SCIAN LD735) | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | DD info from Honsun | Kang YY, Chen Q, Li Y and Wang JG. Validation of the SCIAN LD-735 wrist blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2016, 21:255-258 |
Little Doctor Electronic (Nantong) | LD51, LD51U, LD51A, LD51S (Derivative of Honsun LD-578) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Model LD51S has spoken voice facility | DD info from Honsun | Zhang Y, Wang J, Huang Q, Sheng C, Li Y & Wang J. Validation of the Honsun LD-578 blood pressure montitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2009, 14:128 |
Little Doctor Electronic (Nantong) | LD-521 (Derivative of Honsun LD-578) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | DD info from Honsun | Zhang Y, Wang J, Huang Q, Sheng C, Li Y & Wang J. Validation of the Honsun LD-578 blood pressure montitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2009, 14:128 |
Little Doctor Electronic (Nantong) | LD-521A (Derivative of LD-578) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Zhang Y, Wang J, Huang Q, Sheng C, Li Y & Wang J. Validation of the Honsun LD-578 blood pressure montitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2009, 14:128 |
Maestro Innovations Corporation | Health Assure HL158JA, 158JT, 158SA, 158SK, 158ST (All derivatives of Health & Life HL168JD) | Wrist | International Protocol | Independent | Chang SS, Qi-Fang H, Jie W, Yi Z, Yan L and Ji-Guang W. Validation of the Health & Life HL168JD wrist blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the international protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2009, 14:125-127 | ||
Maestro Innovations Corporation | Health Assure HL858JA, 858JT, 858SA, 858SK, 858ST, 959JA (All derivatives of Health & Life HL888HA) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | de Greef AM and Shennan AH. The Health & Life device (HL888HA): Accuracy assessment in an adult population according to the British Hypertension Society Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2007, 12:107-111 | ||
Medinox Ltd | MX86005 (KD-5923) (Derivative of KD-5917) | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Wan-Gang Guo, Bing-Ling Li, Yong He, Yu-Sheng Xue, Hai-Yan Wang, Qiang-Sun Zheng and Ding-Cheng Xiang Validation of the Andon KD-5917 automatic upper arm blood pressure monitor, for clinic use and self-measurement, according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010 Blood Pressure Monitoring; 2014, 19:242–245 |
Medipro/Rossmax | Medicare 100f | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Yi J, Pan F, Yu X, Zhao H, Shang F & Xu Y. Validation of the Medipro Medicare 100f upper arm blood pressure monitor for self-measurement, according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol Revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2011, 16:197-199 | ||
Medisana | MTP Plus | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Erdem E, Aydogudu T & Akpolat T. Validation of the Medisana MTP Plus upper arm blood pressure monitor for self-measurement according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010 | ||
Microlife | BPA3 (Derivative of BP 3BTO-A) | Upper Arm | Independent | Validation of the Microlife BP 3BTO-A oscillometric blood pressure monitoring device according to a modified British Hypertension Society protocol. Cuckson AC, Reinders A, Shabeeh H, Shennan AH. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2002, 7 (6): 319-324 |
Microlife | BP3AG1 (Derivative of 3BTO-A | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | Last reading memory. 4 x AA batteries, mains adaptor available | Minor protocol violation; only 2 observers used in the validation study | Cuckson AC, Reinders A Shabeeh H & Shennan A. Validation of the Microlife BP 3BTO-A oscillometric blood pressure monitoring device according to a modified British Hypertension Society protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2002, 7(6):319-324 |
Microlife | W2 Slim | Wrist | Independent | Bing S, Chen K, Hou H, Zhang W, Li L, Wei J, Shu C and Wan Y. Validation of the Microlife BP A200 Comfort and W2 Slim automated blood pressure monitors in a general adult population according to the European Society of Hypertension and the ANSI/AAMI/ISO 81060-2:2013 protocols. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2016, 21:118-123 |
Microlife | A100 (Derivative of Microlife 3BTO-A) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | Last reading memory, 4 x AA batteries | Arrhythmia detection in this device does not mean that this device has been validated for use in patients with arrhythmia. Minor protocol violation; only 2 observers used in the validation study. Also validated using a standard cuff of a range of arm circumferences | Cuckson AC, Reinders A Shabeeh H & Shennan A. Validation of the Microlife BP 3BTO-A oscillometric blood pressure monitoring device according to a modified British Hypertension Society protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2002, 7(6):319-324. Bonso E, dorigatti F & Palatini P. Accuracy of th BP A100 blood pressure measruing device coupled with a singl cuff with standard-sized bladder over a wide range of arm circumferences. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2009, 14:216-219 |
Microlife | BP A100 Plus | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 200 reading memory. 4 x AA batteries mains adaptor available | Stergiou GS, Giovas PP, Neofytou MS & Adamopoulos DN. Validation of the Microlife BP A100 Plus device for self-home blood pressure measurement according to the International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2006, 11(3):157-160 | |
Microlife | BP A200 Comfort | Upper Arm | Independent | Bing S, Chen K, Hou H, Zhang W, Li L, Wei J, Shu C and Wan Y. Validation of the Microlife BP A200 Comfort and W2 Slim automated blood pressure monitors in a general adult population according to the European Society of Hypertension and the ANSI/AAMI/ISO 81060-2:2013 protocols. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2016, 21:118-123 |
Microlife | BP B1 Classic(Derivative of BP B3 AFIB) | Upper Arm | ANSI/AAMI/ISO 81060-2:2019 protocol. | Independent | Beate Beime, Carsten Bramlage, Ralf Kruger, Cornelia Deutsch, Gesine Van Mark, Peter Bramlage, Beate Botta.Validation of the Microlife BP B3 AFIB upper arm blood pressure monitor in adults and adolescents according to the ANSI/AAMI/ISO 81060-2:2019 protocol.2021 Aug 1;26(4):299-304. |
Microlife | BP B2 Basic(Derivative of BP B3 AFIB) | Upper Arm | ANSI/AAMI/ISO 81060-2:2019 protocol. | Independent | Beate Beime, Carsten Bramlage, Ralf Kruger, Cornelia Deutsch, Gesine Van Mark, Peter Bramlage, Beate Botta.Validation of the Microlife BP B3 AFIB upper arm blood pressure monitor in adults and adolescents according to the ANSI/AAMI/ISO 81060-2:2019 protocol.2021 Aug 1;26(4):299-304. |
Microlife | WatchBP Home - Pregnancy Only | Upper Arm | Independent | Validated for home use in pregnancy only | Clark K, Snowball O, Nzelu D, Kay P, Kametas A. Validation of the Microlife WatchBP Home blood pressure device in pregnancy for medium and large arm circumferences. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2018, 23:171-174 |
Microlife | B3AFIB | Upper Arm | ANSI/AAMI/ISO 81060-2:2019 | Independent | Beime, Beate; Bramlage, Carsten; Krüger, Ralf; Deutsch, Cornelia; van Mark, Gesine; Bramlage, Peter; Botta, Beate Validation of the Microlife BP B3 AFIB upper arm blood pressure monitor in adults and adolescents according to the ANSI/AAMI/ISO 81060-2:2019 protocol Blood Pressure Monitoring: August 2021 - Volume 26 - Issue 4 - p 299-304 doi: 10.1097/MBP.0000000000000530 |
Microlife | BPA2 Basic (Derivative of BP 3BTO-A) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | Validation of the Microlife BP 3BTO-A oscillometric blood pressure monitoring device according to a modified British Hypertension Society protocol. Cuckson AC, Reinders A, Shabeeh H, Shennan AH. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2002, 7 (6): 319-324 |
Microlife | W2 Slim | Wrist | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Bing S, Chen K, Hou H, Zhang W, Li L, Wei J, Shu C and Wan Y. Validation of the Microlife BP A200 Comfort and W2 Slim automated blood pressure monitors in a general adult population according to the European Society of Hypertension and the ANSI/AAMI/ISO 81060-2:2013 protocols. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2016, 21:118-123 | ||
Microlife | WatchBP Home A (BP3MX1-3) (Derivative Device of BP B3AFIB) | Upper Arm | ANSI/AAMI/ISO 81060-2:2019 | Independent | The derivative device (Watch Home A) only to be supplied with this (22-42cm conical) cuff | Beime, Beate; Bramlage, Carsten; Krüger, Ralf; Deutsch, Cornelia; van Mark, Gesine; Bramlage, Peter; Botta, Beate Validation of the Microlife BP B3 AFIB upper arm blood pressure monitor in adults and adolescents according to the ANSI/AAMI/ISO 81060-2:2019 protocol Blood Pressure Monitoring: August 2021 - Volume 26 - Issue 4 - p 299-304 doi: 10.1097/MBP.0000000000000530 |
Omron Healthcare | HEM - 7121J-E (Derivative of HEM-7130) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Takahashi H, Yoshika M, Yokoi T. Validation of three automatic devices for the self·measurement of blood pressure According to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010 the Omron HEM-7130, HEM·7320F, and HEM·7500F Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015: 20:92-97 |
Omron Healthcare | HEM - 7143T -EBK (Derivative of HEM-7130) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Takahashi H, Yoshika M, Yokoi T. Validation of three automatic devices for the self·measurement of blood pressure According to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010 the Omron HEM-7130, HEM·7320F, and HEM·7500F Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015: 20:92-97 |
Omron Healthcare | HEM-7155-E-M3 Comfort (Derivative of BP760N (HEM-7320-Z)) | Upper Arm | Independent | Hakuo Takahashi, Masamichi Yoshika, and Toyohiko Yokoi Validation of two automatic devices for the self-measurement of blood pressure according to the ANSI/AAMI/ISO81060-2:2009 guidelines: the Omron BP765 (HEM-7311-ZSA) and the Omron BP760N (HEM-7320-Z) Vascular Health and Risk Management, 2015; 11: 49–53 | |||
Omron Healthcare | HEM-7155T-EBK-M4 Intelli IT (Derivative of BP760N (HEM-7320-Z)) | Upper Arm | Independent | Hakuo Takahashi, Masamichi Yoshika, and Toyohiko Yokoi Validation of two automatic devices for the self-measurement of blood pressure according to the ANSI/AAMI/ISO81060-2:2009 guidelines: the Omron BP765 (HEM-7311-ZSA) and the Omron BP760N (HEM-7320-Z) Vascular Health and Risk Management, 2015; 11: 49–53 |
Omron Healthcare | M1 (HEM-4030-C-E (Derivative of M1 Plus (HEM-4011C-E)) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 14 reading memory, 2 AAA batteries | Belghazi J, El Feghali RN, Moussalem T, Rejdych M & Asmar R. Validation of four automatic devices for self-measurement of blood pressure according to the International Protocol of the European Society of Hypertension. Vascular Health & Risk Management 2007, 3(4):1-12 | |
Omron Healthcare | M2 (HEM-7121-E) (Derivative of Omron HEM7130) | Upper Arm | Independent | HEM model number. This is not the same as the M2 (HEM-7117-E) | Takahashi H, Yoshika M and Yokoi T. Validation of three automatic devices for the self-measurement of blood pressure according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010: the Omron HEM-7130, HEM-7320F and HEM-7500F. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015, 20:92-97 |
Omron Healthcare | M2 (HEM-7117) (Derivative of M3-I (HEM-7051-E)) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 21 reading memory | Asmar R, Khabouth J, Topouchian J, El Faghali R & Mattar J. Validation of three automatic devices for self-measurement of blood pressure according to the International Protocol: The Omron M3 Intellisense (HEM-7051-E), the Omron M2 Compact (HEM-7102-E) and the Omron R3-I Plus (HEM-6022-E). Blood Pressure Monitoring 2010, 15:40-54 | |
Omron Healthcare | M2 Basic (HEM-7116-E) (Derivative of M3-I (HEM-7051-E)) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Previous memory only | Asmar R, Khabouth J, Topouchian J, El Faghali R & Mattar J. Validation of three automatic devices for self-measurement of blood pressure according to the International Protocol: The Omron M3 Intellisense (HEM-7051-E), the Omron M2 Compact (HEM-7102-E) and the Omron R3-I Plus (HEM-6022-E). Blood Pressure Monitoring 2010, 15:40-54 | |
Omron Healthcare | M2 Basic (HEM-7120-E) (Derivative of Omron HEM7130) | Upper Arm | Independent | This is not the same as the M2 Basic (HEM-7116-E) device | Takahashi H, Yoshika M, Yokoi T. Validationof three automatic devices for the self-measurement of blood pressure according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010: the Omron HEM-7130, HEM-7320F and HEM-7500F. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015, 20:92-97 |
Omron Healthcare | M2 Compact (HEM-7102-E) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 14 Reading memory | Asmar R, Khabouth J, Topouchian J, El Faghali R & Mattar J. Validation of three automatic devices for self-measurement of blood pressure according to the International Protocol: The Omron M3 Intellisense (HEM-7051-E), the Omron M2 Compact (HEM-7102-E) and the Omron R3-I Plus (HEM-6022-E). Blood Pressure Monitoring 2010, 15:49–54 | |
Omron Healthcare | M3 (HEM-7200-E) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Cuff wrapping guide indicator, 60 reading memory | Topouchian J, Agnoletti D, Blacher J, Youssef A, Ibanez I, Khabouth J, Khawaja S, Beaino L, Asmar R. Validation of four automatice cevices for self-measurement of blood pressure according to the International Protocol of the European Society of Hypertension. Vascular Health & Risk Management 2011:7 709-717 | |
Omron Healthcare | M3 Comfort (HEM-7134-E) | Upper Arm | Independent | Also Validated for home use in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia according to the 'Universal Protocol' | Takahashi H. Validation of home blood pressure monitoring devices Omron EVOLV (HEM-7600T-E), HEM-9210T and M3 Comfort (HEM-7134-E) according to European Society of Hypertension International Protocol (ESH_IP) Revision 2010. J. Clin. Physiol, Vol.48, No. 1, 2018 Topouchian J, Hakobyan Z, Asmar J, Gurgenian S, Zelveian P, Asmar R. Clinical accuracy of the Omron M3 Comfort and the Omron Evolv for self-blood presure measurements in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia - validation according to the Universal Standard Protocol. Vascular Health & Risk Management 2018:14 189-197 |
Omron Healthcare | M3 Intellisense (HEM-70-51-E) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Intellisense technology ensures that cuff is inflated to a comfortable level, detects irregular pulse | Asmar R, Khabouth J, Topouchian J, El Faghali R & Mattar J. Validation of three automatic devices for self-measurement of blood pressure according to the International Protocol: The Omron M3 Intellisense (HEM-7051-E), the Omron M2 Compact (HEM-7102-E) and the Omron R3-I Plus (HEM-6022-E). Blood Pressure Monitoring 2010, 15:40-54 | |
Omron Healthcare | RS2 (HEM-6121-E) (Derivative of Omron RS3 (HEM-6130-E)) | Wrist | International Protocol | Independent | Takahashi H, Yoshika M, and Yokoi T. Validation of Omron RS8, RS6 and RS3 Home blood pressure monitoring devices, in accordance with the European Society of Hypertension International Protocl revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2013, 9:265-272 |
Omron Healthcare | RS6 (HEM-6221-E) | Wrist | International Protocol | Independent | 90 reading memory | Positioning sensor. 2 x LR03 batteries. | Takahashi H, Yoshika M, Yokoi T. Validation of Omron RS8, RS6 and RS3 home blood pressure monitoring devices, in accordance with the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol 2010. Vascular Health and Risk Management 2013:9 265-272 |
Omron Healthcare | EVOLV (HEM-7600T-E) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Bluetooth function compatible with smart devices | Also Validated for home use in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia according to the 'Universal Protocol' | Takahashi H. Validation of home blood pressure monitoring devices Omron EVOLV (HEM-7600T-E), HEM-9210T and M3 Comfort (HEM-7134-E) according to European Society of Hypertension International Protocol (ESH_IP) Revision 2010. J. Clin. Physiol, Vol.48, No. 1, 2018 Topouchian J, Hakobyan Z, Asmar J, Gurgenian S, Zelveian P, Asmar R. Clinical accuracy of the Omron M3 Comfort and the Omron Evolv for self-blood presure measurements in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia - validation according to the Universal Standard Protocol. Vascular Health & Risk Management 2018:14 189-197 |
Omron Healthcare | HEM - 7360-E- M6 Comfort (Derivative Device of BP760N (HEM7320-Z)) | Upper Arm | ANSI/AAMI/ISO81060-2:2009 | Independent | Hakuo Takahashi, Masamichi Yoshika, and Toyohiko Yokoi Validation of two automatic devices for the self-measurement of blood pressure according to the ANSI/AAMI/ISO81060-2:2009 guidelines: the Omron BP765 (HEM-7311-ZSA) and the Omron BP760N (HEM-7320-Z) Vascular Health and Risk Management, 2015; 11: 49–53 |
Omron Healthcare | HEM-7361T-EBK-M7 Intelli IT (Derivative of BP760N (HEM7320-Z)) | Upper Arm | ANSI/AAMI/ISO81060-2:2009 | Independent | Hakuo Takahashi, Masamichi Yoshika, and Toyohiko Yokoi Validation of two automatic devices for the self-measurement of blood pressure according to the ANSI/AAMI/ISO81060-2:2009 guidelines: the Omron BP765 (HEM-7311-ZSA) and the Omron BP760N (HEM-7320-Z) Vascular Health and Risk Management, 2015; 11: 49–53 |
Omron Healthcare | HEM - 7530T-E3 - OMRON Complete (Derivative of HEM - 7311 -ZSA (BP765)) | Upper Arm | ANSI/AAMI/ISO81060-2:2009 | Independent | Hakuo Takahashi, Masamichi Yoshika, and Toyohiko Yokoi Validation of two automatic devices for the self-measurement of blood pressure according to the ANSI/AAMI/ISO81060-2:2009 guidelines: the Omron BP765 (HEM-7311-ZSA) and the Omron BP760N (HEM-7320-Z) Vascular Health and Risk Management, 2015; 11: 49–53 |
Omron Healthcare | HEM-9601T Nightview | Wrist | ANSI/AAMI/ISO81060-2:2009 | Independent | Automatically measures silently night-time blood pressure. Clinically validated accuracy in different positions, even if the wrist rotates during sleep | Mitsuo Kuwabara, Kanako Harada, Yukiko Hishiki, Takayoshi Ohkubo, Kazuomi Kario, Yutaka Imai Validation of a wrist-type home nocturnal blood pressure monitor in the sitting and supine position according to the ANSI/AAMI/ISO81060-2:2013 guidelines: Omron HEM-9601T J Clinical Hypertension. 2020;00:1-9 DOI: 10.1111/jch.13864 |
Omron Healthcare | M6 (HEM-7001-E) Derivative of Omron 705 IT (HEM759-E) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A, International Protocol | Independent | 4 x AA batteries | Altunkan S, Illiman N, Kayaturk N & Altunkan E. Validation of the Omron M6 (HEM-7001-E) upper-arm blood pressure measuring device according to the International Protocol in adults and obese adults. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2007, 12:219-225. | |
Omron Healthcare | M6 Comfort (HEM-7221-E) (Derivative of M7 (HEM-780-E)) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A, International Protocol | Independent | One size cuff 22-42cm, 4 x AA batteries, AC mains adapter available | Belghazi J, El Feghali RN, Moussalem T, Rejdych M & Asmar R. Validation of four automatic devices for self-measurement of blood pressure according to the International Protocol of the European Society of Hypertension. Vascular Health & Risk Management 2007, 3(4):1-12. Coleman A, Steel S, Freeman P de greef A & Shennan A. Validation of the Omron M7 (HEM-780-E) oscillometric blood pressure monitoring device according to the British Hypertension Society. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2008, 1349-54 | |
Omron Healthcare | M7 (HEM-780-E) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A, | Independent | One-size cuff 22-42cm, 4 x AA batteries, AC mains adapter available | Also validated for use in obese adults and pregnancy - See Specialist Use list | Coleman A, Steel S, Freeman P, de Greeff A & shennan A. Validation of the Omron M7 (HEM-780-E) oscillometric blood pressure monitoring device according to the British Hypertension Society . Blood Pressure Monitoring 2008, 13:49-54. |
Omron Healthcare | M10-IT (HEM-7080IT-E) (Derivative of M6 Comfort (HEM-7000-E)) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 4 x AA batteries mains adaptor available | Belghazi J, El Feghali RN, Moussalem T, Rejdych M & Asmar R. Validation of four automatic devices for self-measurement of blood pressure according to the International Protocol of the European Society of Hypertension. Vascular Health & Risk Management 2007, 3(4):1-12. | |
Omron Healthcare | RS8 (HEM-6310F-E) | Wrist | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Positioning sensor, 2 x LR03 batteries, 100 reading memory | Takahahi H, Yoshika M, Yokoi T. Validation of Omron RS8, RS6 and RS3 home blood pressure monitoring devices, in accordance with the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Vascular Health and Risk Management 2013:9 265-272 | |
Omron Healthcare | BP760N HEM-7320-Z | Upper Arm | ANSI /AA MI/IS O81060-2:2009 | Independent | Takahashi H, Yoshika M, Yokoi T. Validation of two automatic devices for the self-measurement of blood pressure according to the ANSI /AA MI/IS O81060-2:2009 guidelines: the Omron BP765 (HEM-7311-ZSA ) and the Omron BP760N (HEM-7320-Z). Vascular Health and Risk Management 2015:11 49–53 |
Omron Healthcare | BP765 HEM-7311-ZSA | Upper Arm | ANSI /AA MI/IS O81060-2:2009 | Independent | Takahashi H, Yoshika M, Yokoi T. Validation of two automatic devices for the self-measurement of blood pressure according to the ANSI /AA MI/IS O81060-2:2009 guidelines: the Omron BP765 (HEM-7311-ZSA ) and the Omron BP760N (HEM-7320-Z). Vascular Health and Risk Management 2015:11 49–53 |
Omron Healthcare | HEM-7120 | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Puhong Zhanga,b, Xi Lic, Zhe Fanga, Yanling Luc, Jingchen Cuid, Xin Dua and Rong Huc Smartphone application-supported validation of three automatic devices for self-measurement of blood pressure according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010: the Omron HEM-7120, Yuwell YE680A and Cofoe KF-65B Blood Pressure Monitoring 2021, 26:435–440 |
Omron Healthcare | HEM-9200T | Upper Arm | Independent | Hakuo Takahashi, Kanako Saito, Nobuki Yakura Validation of Omron HEM-9200T, a home blood pressure monitoring device for the upper arm, according to the American National Standards Institute/Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation/International Organization for Standardization 81060-2:2013 protocol Journal of Human Hypertension |
Omron Healthcare | M2 (HEM-7121-E) (Derivative of Omron HEM-7130) | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | NOTE: HEM model number. This is not the same as the M2 (HEM-7117-E) | Takahashi H, Yoshika M and Yokoi T. Validation of three automatic devices for the self-measurement of blood pressure according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocolo revision 2010: the Omron HEM-7130, HEM-7320F and HEM-7500F. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015, 20:92-97 | |
Omron Healthcare | RS2 (HEM-6121-E) (Derivative of Omron RS3 (HEM-6130-E)) | Wrist | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Takahashi H, Yoshika M, and Yokoi T. Validation of Omron RS8, RS6 and RS3 Home blood pressure monitoring devices, in accordance with the European Society of Hypertension International Protocl revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2013, 9:265-272 | ||
Omron Healthcare | RS6 (HEM-6221-E) | Wrist | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Positioning sensor. 2 x LR03 batteries. 90 reading memory | Takahashi H, Yoshika M, Yokoi T. Validation of Omron RS8, RS6 and RS3 home blood pressure monitoring devices, in accordance with the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol 2010. Vascular Health and Risk Management 2013:9 265-272 | |
Oregon Scientific | BPW810 | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 2 x AAA Alkaline Batteries | Li Li, Wang Hui & Wu Jin Lan. Validation of the Oregon Scientific BPW810 blood pressure monitor according to the European Society of Hypertension Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2006, 11: 343-347 | |
Oregon Scientific | BPU 330 | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Li L, Zhang X, Yan C & Liang Q. Validation of the Oregon Scientific BPU 330 for self-monitoring of blood pressure according to the International Protocol. Vascular Health and Risk Management 2008, 4(5):1121–1125 | ||
Oregon Scientific | BPU321 (Derivative of Oregon Scientific BPU330) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 200 readings. 4 x AA batteries | Li L, Zhang XY, Yan CH, Liang QX. Validation of the Oregorn Scientific BPU330 for self-monitoring of blood pressure according to the International Protocol. Vascular Health & Risk Management. 2008, 4(5):1121-1125 | |
Oregon Scientific | Tunstall BPU329 | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 200 readings. Wireless transmission | Li L, Zhang XY, Yan CH, Liang QX. Validation of the Oregorn Scientific BPU330 for self-monitoring of blood pressure according to the International Protocol. Vascular Health & Risk Management. 2008, 4(5):1121-1125 | |
Panasonic | EW 3106 | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 42 reading memory | Coleman A, Freeman P, Steel S & Shennan A. Validation of the Omron 705-IT (HEM-759-E) oscillometric blood pressure monitoring device according to the British Hypertension Society Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2006, 11(1):27-32 | |
Panasonic | EW 3109 | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 90 reading memory | Bonso E, Dorigatti F & Palatini P. Validation of Panasonic EW3106 and EW 3109 devices for blood pressure measurement according to the International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2010, 15(1):55-58 | |
Pangao | PG-800A11 | Wrist | BHS A/A | Independent | 2 x 1.5V AAA batteries | Also tested against International Protocol 2010 but insufficient data was reported to inform recommendation | Xie P, Wang Y, Xu X, Huang F and Pan J. Validation of the Pangao PG-800A11 wrist device assessed according to the European Society of Hypertension and the British Hypertension Society protocols. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015, 20:108-111 |
Pangao | PG-800A36 | Wrist | BHS A/A | Independent | 90 reading memory. Rechargeable battery | Zhao H, Qiao W, Zhang R, Cui P, Hou F & Zhang W. Validation of the Pangao PG-800A36 automatic wrist blood pressure monitor according to the European Society of Hypertension and the British Hypertension Society protocols. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2018, 23:37-40 |
Pangao | PG-800B11 | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | 90 reading memory, 4 x AA batteries | Validation approved according to the International Protocol 2010 only | Bing S, Zhang C, Wang L, Li L and Wan Y. Validation of the Pangao PG-800B11 blood pressure monitor according to the European Society of Hypertension and the British Hypertension Society protocols. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2014, 19:366-369 |
Pangao | PG-800B5 | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | 90 reading memory, 4 x AA batteries | Chen W, Zeng Z, Li L, Wan X, Wan Y. Validation of the Pangao PG-800B5 for clinical use and self-measurement according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2014, 19:302-305 | |
Pangao | PG-800B26 | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | 2 x 90 reading memory. 4 x AA batteries | Chen L, Li J, Wen J, Guo C, Zhang J & Yu Z. Validation of the Pangao PG-800B26 upper arm blood pressure monitor in the general population according to the European Society of Hypertension and the British Hypertension Society protocols. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2018, 23:41-44 |
Pangao | PG-800B68 | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | 90 reading memory, 4 x AA batteries, voice function | Yao R, Du YY, Li YP, Zhang YZ, Chen QH, Zhao LS and Li L. Validation of the fully automated Pangao PG-800B68 upper arm device according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015, 20:221-224 | |
Philips | DL8760 | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Chahinea MN,Bou Harb S, Saada AR, Sarkisa P, Azaki A, Aya Harba A, Alloucha A and Asmara R. Validation of the PHILIPS DL8760 upper arm blood pressure monitor, in oscillometry mode, for self-measurement in a general population, according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2021, 26:237–241 |
Proton Healthcare | 888EA (Derivative of Health & Life HL888HA) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | 48 reading memory. 4 x AA batteries | de Greef A & Shennan AH. The Health & Life device (HL888HA): accuracy assessment in an adult population according to the British Hypertension Society Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2007, 12:107-111 | |
Proton Healthcare | 888UP (Derivative of Health & Life HL888HA) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | 99 reading memory | de Greef A & Shennan AH. The Health & Life device (HL888HA): accuracy assessment in an adult population according to the British Hypertension Society Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2007, 12:107-111 | |
Proton Healthcare | 868BF (Derivative of Health & Life HL868BA) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 180 reading memory | Chen HE, Cui Y, Sheng CS, Li LH, Li Y & Wang JG. Validation of the Health & Life HL 868BA blood pressure monitor for home blood pressue monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension Internationa protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2008, 1 | |
Qardio Inc | QardioArm | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Bluetooth requiring Quardio App. 4 x AAA Batteries | Chahine MN, Topouchian J, Zelveian P, Hakobyan Z, Melkonyan A, Azaki A, Diab R, Harb A & Asmar R. Validation of BP devices QardioArm in the general population and Omron M6 Comfort in type II diabetic patients acording to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol (ESH-IP). Dovepress Dec 2017, Vol 2018:11, 11- 20 |
Riester | Ri-Champion N (OEM derivative of Microlife 3BTO-A) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | 99 reading memory. 4 x AA batteries mains adaptor available | Cuckson AC, Reinders A, Shabeeh H & Shennan AH. Validation of the Microlife 3BTO-A oscillometric blood pressure monitoring device according to a modified British Hypertension Society protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2002, 7(6):319-324 | |
Rossmax/Accumed | AC1000f (Derivative of CF175) | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | NB Additional features on this device have not been tested for accuracy. It is validated for its BP measurement function only | Zhang L, Kang YY, Zeng WF, Li Y and Wang JG. Validation of the Rossmax CF175 upper-arm blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015, 2: 104-107 | |
Rossmax/Accumed | C5 (Derivative of CF175) | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | NB Additional features on this device have not been tested for accuracy. It is validated for its BP measurement function only | Zhang L, Kang YY, Zeng WF, Li Y and Wang JG. Validation of the Rossmax CF175 upper-arm blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015, 2: 104-107 | |
Rossmax/Accumed | CF155 (Derivative of CF175) | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Zhang L, Kang YY, Zeng WF, Li Y and Wang JG. Validation of the Rossmax CF175 upper-arm blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015, 2: 104-107 | ||
Rossmax/Accumed | CF175 | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | 90 reading memory | Zhang L, Kang YY, Zeng WF, Li Y and Wang JG. Validation of the Rossmax CF175 upper-arm blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015, 2: 104-107 | |
Rossmax/Accumed | CH155 (Derivative of CF175) | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Zhang L, Kang YY, Zeng WF, Li Y and Wang JG. Validation of the Rossmax CF175 upper-arm blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015, 2: 104-107 | ||
Rossmax/Accumed | ME/AB/AC/AD/AE/AF/AJ/MJ/MW-701, MA/MR/MV-801, AK/AT/AW/MG/MH/MJ-150, AD761, AU941, AV151, AV351,AC761f, AW151, MA350, MA351, MC100, MR250, MH901, MW821 (All models derivative of ME701) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A, International Protocol | Independent | de Greef A & Shennan AH. The Rossmax (ME701 Series) upper arm device: accuracy assessment in a adult population according to the International and the British Hypertension society protocols. Blood pressure Monitoring 2008, 13:43-48 | ||
Rossmax/Accumed | X1, X3, X5 (Derivative of CF175) | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Zhang L, Kang YY, Zeng WF, Li Y and Wang JG. Validation of the Rossmax CF175 upper-arm blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015, 2: 104-107 | ||
Rossmax/Accumed | X9 (Derivative of CF175 | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | NB Additional features on this device have not been tested for accuracy. It is validated for its BP measurement function only | Zhang L, Kang YY, Zeng WF, Li Y and Wang JG. Validation of the Rossmax CF175 upper-arm blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015, 2: 104-107 | |
Rossmax/Accumed | Z1 (Derivative of CF175) | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Zhang L, Kang YY, Zeng WF, Li Y and Wang JG. Validation of the Rossmax CF175 upper-arm blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015, 2: 104-107 |
Rossmax/Accumed | Z5 (Derivative of CF175) | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Zhang L, Kang YY, Zeng WF, Li Y and Wang JG. Validation of the Rossmax CF175 upper-arm blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015, 2: 104-107 |
Rossmax/Alvita | CG155f (Derivative of CF175) | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Zhang L, Kang YY, Zeng WF, Li Y and Wang JG. Validation of the Rossmax CF175 upper-arm blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015, 2: 104-107 | ||
Rossmax/Alvita | MA801f (Derivative of CF175) | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Zhang L, Kang YY, Zeng WF, Li Y and Wang JG. Validation of the Rossmax CF175 upper-arm blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015, 2: 104-107 | ||
Sabre Nederland BV | BPM610(x) (Derivative of Health & Life HL888HA) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | Minor protocol violation; only 2 observers used in the validation study | de Greef A, & Shennan A. The Health & Life device (HL888HA): accuracy assessment in an adult population according to the British Hypertension Society protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2007, 12:107-111 | |
Sabre Nederland BV | BPM701 (Derivative of Health & Life HL888HA) | Upper Arm | BHS A/A | Independent | Minor protocol violation; only 2 observers used in the validation study | de Greef A, & Shennan A. The Health & Life device (HL888HA): accuracy assessment in an adult population according to the British Hypertension Society protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2007, 12:107-111 | |
SCIAN | LD-735 | Wrist | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | 2 x AAA batteries. 90 Reading memory | Kang YY, Chen Q, Li Y and Wang JG. Validation of the SCIAN LD-735 wrist blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2016, 21:255-258 | |
Seagull aps | S-868BA (OEM derivative of health & Life HL 868BA | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Chen HE, Cui Y, Sheng CS, Li LH, Li Y & Wang JG. Validation of the Health & Life HL 868BA blood pressure monitor for home blood pressue monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension Internationa protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2008, 113:305-308 | ||
Seagull aps | S-888HA (OEM derivative of Health & Life HL 888HA) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Minor protocol violation; only 2 observers used in the validation study | de Greef A, & Shennan A. The Health & Life device (HL888HA): accuracy assessment in an adult populatio according to th British Hypertension Society protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2007, 12:107-111 | |
Seinex (Forecare) | SE-9400 | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 140 reading memory. 4 x AA batteries | Topouchian JA, El Assaad MA, Orobinskaia LV, El Feghali RN & Asmar RG. Validation of two automatic devices for self-measurement of brachial blood pressure according to the International Protocol of the European Society of Hypertension: the Seinex SE-9400 and the Microlife BP 3AC1-1. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2005, 10(6):325-331 | |
SEJOY | BP-1307 | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | 4 x AA Batteries or mains adapter. 2 x 60 reading memory | Lei L, Chen Y, Chen Q, Li Y & Wang JG. Validation of the SEJOY BP-1307 upper-arm blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol Revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2017, 22:371-374 |
Sensacare | SAA-102 | Upper Arm | BHS A/A, International Protocol | Independent | Zaetta V, Daniele L, Pertkovic D, Prattico F, Barisa M, Perfetti P, Gabrieli A, Buonocore F & Winnick M. Validation of the SAA-102 home blood pressure monitor according to the protocols of the European Society of Hypertension, the Association for athe Advancement of Medical Instrumentation and the British Society of Hypertension. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2007, 12:363-368 | ||
Sensacare | SAW-102 | Wrist | BHS B/B, International Protocol | Independent | Zaetta V, Longo D, Perkovic D, Perfetti P, Gabrieli A, Prattico F & Winnicki M. Validation of the SAW-102 wrist home blood pressure monitor according to the protocols of the British Hypertension Society, the Association for teh Advancement of Medical Instrumentation and the European Society of Hypertension. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2009, 14:32-36 | ||
Spengler | TB-101, SMS-Pro (Derivative of KP-7500D) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Belghazi J, El Feghali RN, Moussalem T, Rejdych M & Asmar R. Validation of four automatic devices for self-measurement of blood pressure according to the International Protocol of the European Society of Hypertension. Vascular Health & Risk Management 2007:3(4) 1-12 | ||
Suntech | 247 | Vital Signs | BHS A/A, International Protocol | Independent | Friz HP, Facchetti R, Primitz L, Beltrame L, Galbiati V, Ricioppo A, Bombelli M & Sega R. Simultaneous validation of the SunTech 247 diagnostic station blood pressure measurement device according to the British Hypertension Society protocol, the International Protocol and the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation standards. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2009, 14:222-227 | ||
Suntech | CT40 | Upper Arm | BHS A/A, International Protocol | Independent | 99 reading memory | Friz HP, Punzi V, Petri F, Orlandi R, Maggionini D, Priz MP, Primitz L & Vighi G. Similtaneous validation of the SunTech CT40 automated blood pressure measurement device by th 1993 British Hypertension Society protocol and the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentaion/International Organization for Standardization 81060-2:2013 standard. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2017, 22:298-301 |
Thermor | BIOS BD215 | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Benetti E, Fania C, Marquez Hernandez V, Palatini P. Validation of the Thermor BIOS BD215 device for home blood pressure measurement according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2014, 19:176-179 | ||
Transtek | TMB-986 | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 2 x 60 readings. 4 x AAA batteries | Liu WJ, Li SG, Song Z & Gong W. Validation of the Transtek blood pressure monitor TMB-986 for home blood pressure monitoring according to the International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2010, 15:287-280 | |
Transtek | TMB-988 | Wrist | International Protocol | Independent | 2 x AAA Alkaline Batteries | Tian HY, Liu WJ, Li SG, Song Z & Gong W. Validation of the Transtek TMB-988 wrist blood pressure monitor for home blood pressure monitoring according to the International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2010, 15:326-328 | |
Transtek | TMB-1491 | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | 60 reading memory x 2, four AAA batteries | Tian H, Zeng S, Zhong X, Gong W and Liu W. Validation of Transtek blood pressure monitor TMB-1491 for self-measurement according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2015, 20:280-282 | |
Transtek | TMB-1776 | Upper Arm | International Protocol 2010 | Independent | Liu Z and Chen L. Validation of Transtek TMB-1776 according to European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010 in adults. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2019, 24:319–322 |
UEBE | Visomat Double Comfort | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Validated in both auscultatory and oscillometric mode. | Masiero S, Fania C & Palatini P. Validation of the UEBE Visomat Double Comfort upper arm blood pressure monitor in auscultation mode for clinic use and self-measurement in a general population according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2011, 16:208-210. Masiero S, Fania C & Palatini P. Validation of the UEBE Visomat Double Comfort upper arm blood pressure monitor, in oscillometric mode, for clinic use and self-measurement in a general population according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2012. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2011, 16:262-264 | |
UEBE | Visomat Handy Wrist | Wrist | International Protocol | Independent | Saladini F, Benetti E & Palatini P. Accuracy of the visomat handy wrist blood pressure measuring device according to the International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2010, 15:281-284 | ||
UEBE | Visomat Comfort | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Bonso E, Dorigatti F, Saladini F & Palatini P. Validation of the Visomat Comfort from device for home blood pressure measurement according to the International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 201, 15(1):63-66 | ||
UEBE | Visomat Comfort Eco | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Perkovic D, Guarnieri C & Palatini P. Validation of the Visomat Comfort Eco blood pressure measuring device according to the International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2009, 14:178-180 | ||
Visocor | HM40 | Wrist | International Protocol | Independent | Dorigatti F, Bonso E, Saldini F & Palatini P. Validation of the Visocor HM 40 wrist blood pressure measuring device according to the International Protocol. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2009, 14:32-36 | ||
Withings | BPM Connect PRO (WPM06)(Derivative of BPM Connect WPM05) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Jirar Topouchian, Parounak Zelveian, Zoya Hakobyan, Heghine Gharibyan, Roland Asmar Accuracy of the Withings BPM Connect Device for Self-Blood Pressure Measurements in General Population – Validation According to the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation/European Society of Hypertension/International Organization for Standardization Universal Standard Vascular Health and Risk Management 2022:18 191–200 Zelveian P, Topouchian J, Hakobyan Z, Asmar J, Gharibyan H, Asmar R Clinical Accuracy of the Withings BPM Connect for Self-Blood Pressure Measurements in Pregnancy and PreEclampsia: Validation According to the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation/European Society of Hypertension/International Organization for Standardization Universal Standard Vascular Health and Risk Management, 2022, 18, 181–189 |
Withings | BPM Connect (WPM05) | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Jirar Topouchian, Parounak Zelveian, Zoya Hakobyan, Heghine Gharibyan, Roland Asmar Accuracy of the Withings BPM Connect Device for Self-Blood Pressure Measurements in General Population – Validation According to the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation/European Society of Hypertension/International Organization for Standardization Universal Standard Vascular Health and Risk Management 2022:18 191–200 Zelveian P, Topouchian J, Hakobyan Z, Asmar J, Gharibyan H, Asmar R Clinical Accuracy of the Withings BPM Connect for Self-Blood Pressure Measurements in Pregnancy and PreEclampsia: Validation According to the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation/European Society of Hypertension/International Organization for Standardization Universal Standard Vascular Health and Risk Management, 2022, 18, 181–189 |
YuWell | YE690A | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | 2 x 74 reading memory. Large cuff up to 45cm | Chen Q, Lei L, Li Y & Wang JG. Validation of the YuWell YE690A upper-arm blood pressure monitor for clinical use and self-measurement according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol Revision 2010. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2017, 22:295-297 |
YuWell | YE660D | Upper Arm | International Protocol | Independent | Zhang HJ, Peng Y, Zhang J, Zhang J, Teng LN, Zhang SJ, Zhou DJ, Long MZ. Validation of the YuWell YE660D oscillometric upper-arm blood pressure monitor for clinic and home in general population according to the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation/European Society of Hypertension/International Organization for Standardization Universal Standard (International Organization for Standardization 81060-2:2018) and the International Organization for Standardization Amendment 1. 2020. Blood Press Monit. 2023 Oct 1;28(5):276-279. doi: 10.1097/MBP.0000000000000658. Epub 2023 Jun 22. PMID: 37382148. | ||